Health Boss

Health Boss Logo Brand Identity by Particular Paige Designs
Health Boss Brand Identity Logo by Particular Paige Designs
Health Boss Brand Mood Board by Particular Paige Designs
Health Boss Brand Colour Palette by Particular Paige Designs

"I've already received several compliments on my branding since Paige's updates have been implemented."

Before working with Paige, I felt like I could appreciate design without any ability to create it. Paige not only provided me with some beautiful templates that perfectly matched the sassy, bold, & smart attitude that I wanted to convey, but she also helped me learn how to help myself. Now, I feel like I can continue forward with templates, fonts, and accents that are all part of my brand kit. I feel like I'm a better creator because of her. I would recommend her to anyone (and already have!).

Jessie Zaylía, Weight-Loss Coach / Health Boss

Need a logo and brand identity?

To stand out with a new logo and brand identity that attracts your dream clients, let's get on a call to discuss how I can create a brand that truly reflects your personality and coaching business.